Friday, January 4, 2013

Complete by Christmas

Well almost....


We did....

As you can see there are still a few (about a dozen at quick count) finishing touches (or major sub-projects)...

One of which is to take the blank spaces above the doors and windows and put up decals of verses.  A few of our ideas are:

In the Beginning God Created...
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

But the biggest part of it all, eg. refinishing the cabinets and painting, is complete!  The new hardware is up and things are looking pretty.

Now we just have some lighting decisions to make, a few fixtures to install, some outlets to double, and a couple of new switches to install.  Then there's the range hood, which we want to cut shorter and refinish; and there are a few smaller things that we'll refinish too, Lord Willing, as long as we're at it.

However the end is in sight and we have regained use of the counters and cupboards which is the greatest blessing of having a kitchen.  

And so there you have it--a kitchen again!

We did even pretty much get it back to the point you see by the 24th.  I was still laid up with the flu, but Mom and Jonathan finished the painting and we recovered the counters as all in all, we did pretty well by God's grace. 

Not that we'd ever try to do it right before Christmas ever again...
